Sometimes you need additional cash to pay for an urgent need. However, because of the size of the loan, you might find it stressful to fully repay the loan in a short window of time. Avoiding such stress is just one of the benefits of installment loans from Jora.
An installment loan allows you to make payments on your loan over a longer period of time than with a traditional payday advance loan. Read on for more advantages of installment credit & loans:
By making smaller, manageable payments over a longer repayment time, you can avoid having to repay the loan in full by the following pay day.
Because the installment credit payments are timely and regular, you’ll have the clarity and consistency to manage your finances smoothly.
With smaller loan repayments over time, you can comfortably pay your normal living expenses or have additional funds to help manage other smaller emergencies.
Feel more comfortable taking out a larger loan because your loan amount is not limited by your ability to repay the entire loan with your next paycheck.
Through Jora, you can apply and if approved, you can get an answer on an installment loan online in just minutes.*
Installment loans from Jora are also available to those with stressed or less than perfect credit.
For more information on Jora loan amounts, terms and interest rates, visit our What It Costs page or you could apply for an installment loan in minutes using our safe, secure application on any device.