Many Americans have poor credit or credit history. All it takes is just one error to hurt your credit score. If a larger, unforeseen event disrupts your cash flow, your credit rating could be impacted more significantly. It’s important to know the basics of a credit score, how to check your score, and what to do in the event of a cash emergency if you have bad credit.
Your credit score is a report issued by a credit reporting agency (e.g. Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) to assess and predict your responsibility to manage and repay your credit obligations. A credit score can be as low as 300 and as high as 850. While there are various credit scores that exist, the most notable and commonly-referred to is your FICO score. To get your score, you can purchase a report directly from one of the credit reporting agencies, or you can get a free credit report from various sources including
A good way to find out if you have credit issues that could impact your ability to get cash from a loan is to review your credit score from one of the agencies listed above. Different agencies model the various credit ratings (i.e., Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, etc.) in slightly varying ranges, but you should be able to find out where you fall on this spectrum by pulling your credit report.
A bad score may be no fault of your own. Unfortunately, emergencies don’t care if you are experiencing a financially vulnerable time. Plus, just as you need cash the most, many traditional lenders may turn you down if you have bad credit, and millions of Americans’ credit scores are scattered throughout the credit spectrum. So what about potentially you and millions of other Americans who may find it difficult to secure a loan due to bad credit? Fortunately, there are resources like Jora who can help.
Jora offers online installment loans for all types of people–including those with bad credit. As long as you can show a source of income like a job and can provide some basic personal and financial information, we may be able to help.
Just fill out our fast and secure online loan application. If approved, have your cash waiting in your bank account as soon as the next business day.*
Because Jora provides installment loans, your loan can be paid back in a series of regularly scheduled payments, or installments, until the loan is paid back in full.
Emergencies can happen at any time that can cause a strain on your finances. Jora is there for you, offering the assistance you need to manage financial emergencies and to get your life back on track quickly and responsibly.
For more information on Jora loan amounts, terms and interest rates, visit our What it Costs page or you could apply for an installment loan.